
Grey's Anusha Shetty On Resilience, Innovation & Inclusion

Anusha Shetty, chairperson and group CEO of Grey highlights AI's potential in communication, balancing it with human creativity to maintain the essence of storytelling

Adapting to change is not just a necessity but a core principle for survival and growth in the business of advertising and marketing.

Reflecting on the past year, Grey showcases resilience amidst adversity. Despite facing growth challenges and a perceived slowdown in the industry, Grey remained steadfast in its commitment to delivering excellence. Anusha Shetty, chairperson and group CEO of Grey attributes this resilience to the strategic acquisition of Autumn in 2018. The acquisition laid the foundation for an integrated talent framework, bridging the gap between traditional and digital expertise within the agency.

“In times of slowdown, clients don't halt demand generation; they simply pivot towards more cost-effective mediums. Our integrated talent pool enabled us to adapt seamlessly, offering clients innovative solutions while optimising costs,” explains Shetty.

Embracing Integrated Growth

Shetty underscores Grey's focus on nurturing integrated talent and driving growth through cross-disciplinary collaboration in 2024. "We foresee continued momentum in nurturing talent and driving integrated mandates," states Shetty.

By fostering a culture where mainline and digital teams work synergistically, Grey has expanded its integrated mandates, providing clients with holistic solutions tailored to the evolving market landscape.

“Clients now seek agencies that combine the strategic prowess of traditional advertising with the agility of digital execution. This convergence will remain our guiding principle moving forward," she adds.

Innovation In Advertising

Shetty emphasises the role of technology, particularly AI in shaping the future of communication.

She asserts, “AI can enhance our research capabilities and optimise certain tasks, but true creativity stems from human experiences and emotions. Our focus remains on leveraging technology as an enabler while preserving the essence of creative storytelling.”

While AI offers opportunities for data-driven insights and automation, Shetty reaffirms the irreplaceable role of human creativity in crafting impactful campaigns.

Diversity And Inclusion

Grey places a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion, both internally and in its campaigns.

“Diversity isn't just about doing the right thing; it's essential for accurately representing the society we serve,” remarks Shetty. “Every aspect of our operations, from hiring practices to language use, reflects our commitment to inclusivity.”

Moreover, Grey fosters an inclusive environment where open dialogue and awareness-building initiatives promote diversity as a core value.

Emerging Trends

“As an agency, we live and breathe trends,” says Shetty. The agency remains vigilant in identifying and integrating emerging trends into its practices. With a proactive approach to trend analysis and a culture of continuous learning, Grey stays ahead of the curve, equipping its teams with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a passionate landscape.

Shetty explains, “From weekly trend analysis sessions to a culture of constant experimentation, we're always exploring new avenues for innovation and growth.”

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