On the concluding day of his two-day visit to the city on Friday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated Kumbhvani, a new FM radio channel by Prasar Bharati. Launched at the Circuit House, the channel aims to enhance coverage of the Mahakumbh, bolstering the state's efforts to widen the reach of one of the world’s largest religious events.
Broadcasting on 103.5 MHz, Kumbhvani officially went live on 10 January and will operate until 26 February, offering 17 hours of daily programming from 5:55 am to 10:05 pm. Accessible through an OTT-based platform, the channel is designed to deliver comprehensive updates on the Mahakumbh, particularly to remote villages, enabling those unable to attend the event to stay connected.
Speaking at the launch, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath highlighted Kumbhvani's pivotal role in bringing the spiritual essence of the Mahakumbh to even the farthest corners of Uttar Pradesh, ensuring its significance resonates well beyond Prayagraj. “This initiative will not only elevate the popularity of the Mahakumbh but will also bridge the gap for those who, despite their yearning, are unable to make the journey,” he said.
Adityanath praised Prasar Bharati’s ability to adapt to the evolving media landscape, noting that despite the rise of private broadcasters, the state-run network has consistently led efforts to expand the Mahakumbh’s reach. He highlighted the earlier launches of Kumbhvani during the Kumbh festivals of 2013 and 2019, emphassing Prasar Bharati’s dedication to overcoming connectivity challenges in rural areas.
The inauguration saw the presence of several dignitaries, including Union Information and Broadcasting Minister L Murugan, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi, Om Prakash Rajbhar, Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and Prasar Bharati Board Chairman Navneet Sehgal.