
It's Time Marketers & Creative Agencies Continue To Remain Very Bold: Ankit Kapoor

In an exclusive conversation with BW Marketing World, Ankit Kapoor, CMO & Business Leader emphasises the need for bold, authentic marketing strategies while sharing insights on brand reinvention, content creation and managing risks in the digital-first era
It's Time That Marketers & Creative Agencies Continue To Remain Very Bold: Ankit Kapoor

With a career spanning 17 years across industry giants like ITC, Nestle and Parle Agro, Ankit Kapoor, now CMO and Business leader has emerged as a thought leader whose insights offer a unique perspective on the changing face of marketing in India. His journey and insights paint a picture of marketing as a discipline that requires constant adaptation, strategic thinking and a willingness to take calculated risks.

In an exclusive conversation with BW Marketing World, Kapoor likens his professional journey to scaling Mount Everest. "Behind every step of a challenging trek, are hours of sweat and toil. Similarly, every step or phase in your career that you take is backed by a ton of preparation," he reflects emphasising the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in the marketing world.

The mountaineering analogy extends further, highlighting the critical role of teamwork in marketing success. Underscoring the need for being collaborative, Kapoor states, “You will never be able to successfully complete a trek alone. You always need that team and you always move up together.”

The importance of mentorship in navigating the complex terrain of marketing is another key takeaway from Kapoor's journey. He credits his success to the guidance of industry veterans who have "been there, done that", helping him anticipate challenges and avoid potential pitfalls.

Strategic Pivoting
Kapoor's experience at Ananta Capital, particularly his work with the Bellavita brand serves as a case study in strategic pivoting. Faced with the challenging skincare market, Kapoor led a bold shift in focus towards fragrances. "We pivoted from a high involvement category to one with low barrier to trials" he explains, highlighting the importance of generating large-scale trials early and capitalising on market gaps.

The pivot wasn't just about product category; it was a masterclass in brand redefinition. Kapoor's team reimagined Bellavita's identity, focusing on products where fragrance drives consumer choice. The shift was complemented by an innovative content strategy that leveraged the founder's authenticity and relatability.

"Can we have a content strategy where we deliver social proof for the effectiveness and the value that the product delivers?", Kapoor posits describing the approach that led to Bellavita's rapid scale-up.

Lessons From Cannes Young Lions Academy
As an alumnus of the Cannes Young Lions Academy, Kapoor brings a global perspective to his marketing strategies. The program instilled in him a keen appreciation for exceptional creative work and the organisational dynamics necessary to produce it. "You cannot deliver phenomenal creative work till the time the whole ecosystem and the organisation is not geared up for it," he asserts, pointing to a common challenge in marketing departments across industries.

However, he tempers this with pragmatism, acknowledging that consistently delivering superlative content requires persistence, ability to take risks and organisational alignment. "Even before you start the journey, it's extremely important that all key stakeholders are taken along on the journey and the switch in their minds happens for the organisation to embrace this new benchmark on creative output," he advises.

Content & Creativity
Kapoor's approach to content creation is particularly noteworthy in today's digital-first marketing landscape. He sees a shift in what constitutes relevant content. "Both relevance and authenticity are leaning more and more towards simplicity, effectiveness and trust that brands are being able to earn and live up to," he observes. His insight suggests a move away from gimmicky content towards more purpose-led, consistent brand messaging.

Addressing the challenge of balancing creativity with reputational risks in an era of cancel culture, Kapoor advocates for bold, purposeful marketing. "It's time that marketers and creative agencies continue to remain very bold and continue to have a point of view, especially brands that are very purpose-led," he states.

While acknowledging the need for caution, he insists that brands have a responsibility to take a stand on issues that are aligned with their core purpose. "We must be conscious about not hurting any segments of society. But at the same point of time, it's also the responsibility of brands to take to have a point of view on issues that are centred around their purpose and that affect society," he asserts.


Reema Bhaduri

BW Reporters The author is the Editorial Lead at BW Businessworld. Majorly writes on marketing, advertising, experiential marketing and retail. She closely looks upon the vertical of BW Marketing World and BW Retail World.

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