
Illuminating The Power Of Storytelling

In the realm of communication, the art of storytelling emerges as a powerful catalyst, capable of transcending mere information delivery to foster genuine connections. This nuanced craft goes beyond the traditional dissemination of facts, unveiling a strategic approach that captivates audiences through narrative prowess. 

At the inaugural edition of BW Excel Summit, in association with BW Businessworld and BW Marketing World, a powerful panel engaged in a discussion around 'Crafting Connections: Unleashing the Power of Storytelling as a PR Game-Changer.' 

Shazia Ilmi, National Spokesperson, BJP and Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder and Managing Director, PR Professional served as speakers for the session, exploring the transformative influence of storytelling in Public Relations, emphasising the potential of adept narrative construction to forge authentic connections with audiences.

“If you look at storytelling as an art form, you have to talk about content, what are you saying, what is your story, how impactful is your story, what narrative you are trying to build, the idea and war of narrative becomes so important. So in building narrative, we have to think in terms of who you want to reach, how you want to reach”, said Ilmi on the narrative of storytelling.

The transformative role of storytelling in Public Relations becomes evident as it transcends the mundane, breathing life into brand messages and establishing an authentic rapport with the audience.

Sarvesh Tiwari, Founder and Managing Director, PR Professional highlighted, “When you are interacting with the masses, crisis is bound to happen. Firstly, we have to be a master in crisis management when we try to build a narrative among the masses. We need to tell the right things repeatedly. Here, repetition is the key; we try to target their memorability and we should always take a stand for what we are giving to the people”.


Prabhat Shukla

BW Reporters The author is a Trainee Correspondent

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