
Content, Context & AI

Artificial intelligence and the preferences of Gen Z continue to shape today’s marketing strategies in a big way. On the intersection of technology, AI and Gen Z preferences, Namrita Khurana, Manager, Brand PR & Social Media, ITC underscores, “Gen Z is a very difficult consumer to decode. We are trying as brands to understand what they want through our different campaigns. I believe that content is king, but context is its kingdom and today's context is AI.”

She adds that for Gen Z, it's all about personalisation and customisation. To engage this generation, brands must not only speak to them but also for them, adopting a linguistic tone that resonates with their dynamic vernacular. For Khurana, generative AI is not merely a trend; it's the very future of branding for the upcoming generation.

Her advice for the future generation of marketers: “I've always believed in myself. I think that is something that people tend to lose if they are bogged down by too much work or if some hardships come around or if you face failure.”

She adds, “I've always believed in doing better, positioning myself against better people, so that I also push myself and be better every single day.”

For Khurana, the fusion of AI strategies and self-belief is a formula for not just keeping up with the times but also staying ahead in the dynamic world of brand communication.

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