
Harjiv Singh


Harjiv is an award-winning marketer, branding expert and entrepreneur passionate about building great brands. Since founding Gutenberg, he has advised clients and brands across US, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Since 2006, Harjiv has been a Trustee of The Loomba Foundation, a UN recognised charity, advocating the cause of 265 million widows globally. He also serves on American India Foundation’s (AIF) advisory board since 2016. Harjiv is an Executive Fellow at Cambridge University’s – Cambridge Central Asia Forum. He received his master’s in international Affairs in Economic Policy Management from Columbia University. He also has an MBA in Marketing and a bachelor’s in finance from The New York Institute of Technology. He also attended the Stanford SEED program at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business.

Latest Articles By Harjiv Singh

Five Ways AI Will Disrupt Marketing Communications Industry

The future of marketing communications belongs to those who can weave a captivating narrative, powered by data and fueled by human ingenuity, while simultaneously embracing the SPARK of innovation

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How A PPP Approach Can Make India A Leading Global PPE Manufacturer

India has an opportunity to leverage its vibrant start-up ecosystem, low-cost manufacturing infrastructure and widespread R&D facilities to become a leading player in the PPE industry

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