
Progressive Branding & Sustainable Growth Is The Focus: Ruchira Jaitly

Ruchira Jaitly, Chief Marketing Officer at Diageo India, unveils the brand's innovative marketing approaches and sustainability goals. With over 25 years of brand-building experience, Jaitly delves into Diageo's strategies, inclusive advertising and adaptation to evolving industry trends. The discussion also highlights Diageo's focus on sustainability, outlining its ambitious vision for a greener, more responsible future in the alcohol beverage industry. Excerpts from the interview:

Can you share insights into Diageo's current marketing strategies, especially in the context of evolving consumer behaviours and market trends?

It's not just about driving growth and profits; our aim is to make our brands the most loved. Globally and locally, we've been successful brand builders and we take pride in doing so responsibly and in compliance with regulations.

In India, we observe three significant trends. Firstly, the visible rise in affluence across the country, leading to a growing inclination towards premiumisation —people seek better quality over quantity when it comes to their beverages.

The second trend we're noticing is an increased sense of globalisation influencing inspiration, while simultaneously emphasising strong local connections. Leveraging our certified R&D capabilities in India, we stand among the few equipped with a certified lab and R&D centre, enabling us to drive innovations tailored for the Indian market.

Lastly, we're witnessing the impact of digital technology, a pivotal force shaping our strategies in this ever-evolving landscape.

I believe we can pave the path not only in brands but also in responsible marketing - targeted, focused and compliant with the consumers we aim to engage. These three elements offer us a significant opportunity to build the best-performing brands. We have an incredible global portfolio; however, the key is to present them in the appropriate local context and experiences.

How is Diageo planning to integrate the aspect of progressive portrayal into its advertising to create inclusive and engaging campaigns?

Our vision for progressive marketing is to mirror an aspirational and inclusive societal perspective. It should reflect a progressive outlook on where society is heading and how we wish it to be portrayed - truthful and inclusive to all facets of society, not favouring one over the other.

It's about embracing every perspective, being shown, "This is how I see my life." Please don't dictate what you see of me. It's about having agency, shaping your own narrative, not letting someone else craft your story, relegating you to a side character.

We've executed this with Naya Sher and Royal Challenge, where a plus-size model and a person with Vitiligo shared the stage with Virat Kohli - one of the most prominent platforms and creative arenas. Another instance is the new McDowell and Co.’s campaign featuring Kartik Aryan alongside a deaf actor named Saad. People with disabilities, constituting about 15 per cent of India's population, are significantly underrepresented in advertising. Less than 1 per cent of ads showcase anyone from the LGBTQIA+ community.

Although women's representation is improving, they're often depicted in stereotypical roles like the nurturer or mother, rather than representing diverse roles we all hold in society.

We're proud to have cultivated an ecosystem of collaborators and I'm confident we'll only improve further.

What emerging trends do you foresee shaping the alcoholic beverage industry and how is Diageo positioning itself to adapt to these changes?

One significant trend is the rising affluence in India, leading to premiumisation. Indians are opting to drink better rather than more, evident in the noticeable growth across various categories. Premium and luxury offerings are driving this trend, with people exploring diverse liquids and experiences.

The other significant trend is technology's substantial impact on our experiences. It's not just the physical but also the virtual landscape that's shaping consumer behaviour.

The fourth trend, which we anticipate seeing more of, is conscious consumption. People are seeking various alternatives and this is an area we aim to further engage in. 

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for consumers. How is Diageo integrating sustainability initiatives into its brand strategies and operations?

The goals were launched in 2022 with a clear vision for where we aim to be by 2030. Our global initiative is also documented in our annual report, highlighting our progress in India. We've gone a step further by auditing and presenting our year-on-year advancements.

Partnering with top rating agencies, we've received commendable ratings relative to our peers in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) sector. We are focused on achieving net-zero carbon emissions, water positivity and several other objectives. Our endeavours also extend to promoting responsible and positive drinking, fostering equitable income and ensuring diversity across our workforce and population. This encompasses the entire set of Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations, which we've adopted and are dedicated to enhancing, aiming for best-in-class performance.

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