
MIB To Meet Stakeholders On June 25 Concerning Self-declaration Certificates

On 9 July 2024, the ministry will submit an affidavit to the Supreme Court on the actions taken so far on the matter

After more than a week of implementing the self-declaration certificate mandate, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) will meet industry stakeholders on the matter on 25 June 2024. The meeting will address the issues faced by advertisers so far concerning uploading or obtaining the SDC.

Earlier, the MIB met representatives from the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), Indian Newspaper Society (INS), Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA), Indian Society of Advertisers (ISA), Google, and more, in the second week of June. In that meeting, the ministry clarified that the government will neither make any amendments to the mandate nor will it defer the date of implementation.

On 9 July 2024, the ministry will submit an affidavit to the Supreme Court on the actions taken so far on the matter. This will also give the MIB an opportunity to present the experience of stakeholders post the SDC implementation.

The industry has had a mixed reaction to the implementation of the mandate because they believe even though the intent of the government is correct, the way to go about it isn’t.

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