
Leo Burnett, McCann, Dentsu Secure Direct Shortlists

The Direct Lions celebrate targeted and response-driven creativity

Out of a total of 204 shortlists, Leo Burnett, McCann and dentsu have made it to the coveted Direct Shortlists at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. 

Leo Burnett's work for Gatorade's ‘Turf Finder’ is one of them, produced by Offroad Films, Mumbai.

McCann India's ‘Fit My Feet’ campaign for Buckaroo Footwear is the second on the list, with dentsu's ‘Motorola-Deep Connect’ campaign for Motorola India as the third.

On securing the shortlist, Sambit Mohanty, McCann’s Creative Head- North and South says, “Getting a shortlist is special because you know your work has made the cut amongst millions of entries in what’s probably the toughest creative award globally. The ‘game’ is to keep pushing ourselves to think of non-traditional ways to connect brands with people, so they remember you. Creativity is forever in a state of flux and we have to ride the wave of innovation and technology rather than be submerged by it.”

Gurbaksh Singh, Chief Innovation Officer, dentsu Creative India also adds, “Getting shortlisted at Cannes Lions is a testament to the innovation and impact of our creative work. Every year, the jury looks for something extraordinary that can stand out, and the bar is rising higher each year.”

The Direct Lions celebrate targeted and response-driven creativity. The work will need to demonstrate how insights and/or data were used as part of the strategy to engage specific target audience groups and develop customer relationships, inspiring action and producing measurable results.


Soumya Sehgal Bhutani

BW Reporters Soumya is the Senior Editorial Lead at BW Marketing World. She extensively writes on the Indian media, marketing and advertising ecosystem in India.

Neha Kalra

BW Reporters She is the Senior Editorial Lead at Businessworld and majorly covers pieces on advertising, marketing, branding and experiential marketing. She writes closely for BW Marketing World and Everything Experiential.

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