VerSe Innovation, a local language technology platform acquires Magzter, a global digital newsstand with a catalog of over 8,500 premium magazines and newspapers. The financial details of the acquisition were not disclosed, according to media reports.
VerSe, which operates the news aggregator platform DailyHunt and short video platform Josh, described this move as a strategic entry into the super-premium content space, aiming to position itself as India's largest digital media tech conglomerate.
The newly launched Dailyhunt Premium will offer a subscription-based service, providing users with access to premium content from international publishers in over 60 languages such as English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and more.
The acquisition solidifies Dailyhunt's standing as the largest platform for news and infotainment in India, offering content in key international and regional languages. It also marks a shift in Dailyhunt's revenue model, integrating subscription-based revenue streams alongside traditional advertising.
Magzter boasts over 1.1 million active paying subscribers from India and a user base exceeding 87 million worldwide since its founding in 2011.