
Brands Embrace Sustainable Marketing Strategies For Eco Conscious Consumers

Brands are using sustainable marketing strategies in response to the rising environmental knowledge and concern among consumers. In addition to being in line with customer preferences, the shift towards sustainable marketing contributes to the main objective of minimising environmental impact and promoting a more sustainable future.

In today’s era, brands successfully engage with environmentally conscious consumers and create long-lasting relationships based on shared sustainability goals by exhibiting sincere commitment to sustainability, offering transparent information, taking into account the entire product lifecycle, offering competitive pricing, and utilising social influence.

Harmeet Singh - VP, Marketing, Product, & Digital, The Body Shop stated, “The woke consumers today are more inclined towards adopting a sustainable lifestyle. As a result of the Internet explosion, consumers are more selective, knowledgeable, and informed than ever before-particularly in smaller towns and cities. Sustainability and environmentally responsible practices are instilled in The Body Shop's DNA. With a strong commitment to ethical consumption, all of our products are 100 per cent vegetarian, with 60 per cent being vegan. We also hope to make our packaging 100 per cent recyclable by 2025.  In addition to this, we've taken sustainability to the next level in our retail outlets. Every part of our stores has been carefully picked to reflect our environmental conscience. From immersive store designs to sustainable materials, we are setting new standards in sustainable beauty retail concepts through our ‘Activist Workshop stores’. We have also launched the 'Return Recycle Repeat' in-store recycling scheme in all our stores. We ensure that these materials are recycled and repurposed sustainably through collaborations with local recycling companies.”

To promote environmental awareness, stimulate debates, and create communities, social media platforms have become effective tools. With the use of targeted advertising, brands attract environmentally conscious consumers and can provide captivating content that showcases their sustainable initiatives, such as eco-friendly production techniques, moral sourcing, a smaller carbon footprint, or initiatives to assist environmental issues

Varun Moolchandani, Executive Director of Archies said, “To identify and engage with eco-conscious consumers through digital channels, we utilize data analytics to identify online behaviours and preferences of eco-conscious consumers. This helps us target specific audiences with personalised content and relevant messaging. We also leverage social media platforms and online communities dedicated to sustainability to connect with eco-conscious consumers. By actively participating in these digital spaces, we can engage in conversations, share valuable content, and build relationships with our target audience effectively.”

On social media platforms becoming essential tools, Singh states, “The brand's social media strategy aims to keep the content basic, new, relatable, and regionally relevant to Indian audiences. In addition to highlighting product introductions, usage, advantages, and offers, we also strive to highlight the brand's sustainable initiatives through campaigns and influencer partnerships that interest our customers while resonating with the brand's ethos. Our recently launched ‘Changemaking campaign’ is one such example of how we are constantly aiming to have a positive systemic impact across society, within beauty culture, and into the corridors of power.”

Moreover, Brands today implement sustainable marketing strategies effectively captivating the environmentally conscious consumer by incorporating green messaging and storytelling.

By emphasising their commitment to sustainability and sharing inspiring stories, brands develop a loyal consumer base that actively supports their sustainable initiatives. However, the concept of green messaging and greenwashing has also raised questions for brands to maintain transparency, have a holistic approach, and their continuous improvement towards their sustainability goals. 

Gaurav Thakur, General Manager, Hilton Maldives Amingiri commented, “Navigating the fine line between authentic green messaging and potential accusations of greenwashing is crucial to maintain credibility and trust with our audience. To achieve this, we provide clear information about our sustainability practices, including specific goals and progress updates, and focus on tangible actions and initiatives that have a real impact on the environment and communities is required. We avoid making exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims that could be perceived as greenwashing.” He further explained, “We believe in educating our audience about sustainability issues and the challenges we face. By sharing knowledge and encouraging responsible choices, we empower consumers to make informed decisions. Nonetheless, we are committed to an ongoing journey of improvement. We actively seek feedback and strive for innovation in our sustainability practices. Our primary goal is to maintain our authenticity, earn the trust of eco-conscious consumers, and contribute meaningfully to a sustainable future.”

Brands increase their credibility and trust with environmentally concerned consumers and help bring about positive environmental change by committing to sustainability, being transparent, providing evidence for claims, and involving stakeholders.

Apoorv Agarwal, CEO, Uzarus mentioned, “Integrated sustainability into your core business practices and demonstration to a long-term commitment to making a positive impact is essential for brands today by using clear and concise language that avoids greenwashing, misleading claims, or vague statements. Another way to move forward is to seek third-party certifications or verifications from reputable organizations to validate your sustainability claims. Being transparent about your supply chain helps consumers understand the environmental impact associated with your products or services.”

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