
Brands As Characters: The Stories They Tell & Why We Listen

Brands humanise conversations to build an emotional connection and create a sense of relatability and empathy for the character, says Gupta

Brands have always used new ways to reach, connect, engage and relate with their audiences. In a highly fragmented marketing realm, brands must incorporate innovative strategies to stand apart from the clutter and resonate with their audiences. With the constant bombardment of messages and exposure to brand elements like logos, jingles and slogans, a true brand connection has become a precious commodity. To combat these existing challenges, brands have used the power of storytelling for centuries.

Brands as characters and the stories they tell: Today, consumers are discerning and well aware of what they are investing in. Brands need to have an in-depth knowledge of what their audience wants. Consumers’ trust and loyalty are purely dependent on how well brands connect, resonate and exhibit authenticity and transparency. The concept of ‘Brand with a purpose’ emerged with this changing consumer dynamics. Now, the question remains, how do we do it?

The answer is simple: be human while connecting with humans. This mantra works the best while marketing in today’s age. I reiterate, that storytelling is the key. But let us take a step back, before narrating a story, a brand needs to exhibit human traits to establish relatability. Marketers spend hours in the boardrooms to define their brand character and finalise what they want to stand for. It takes into account all the aspects of brands, right from objectives, vision, mission, USP, principles, product offerings, industry insight, challenges, the end consumers, and a lot more!

Once these are in place, a well-defined strategy and approach come into the picture. It is always preferred for brands to have a compelling narrative instead of being seen as boring and unchanging. Developing a tone of voice for the brand depends on this foundation. It defines everyday conversations, what and how they speak, whether serious, formal, authoritative or witty, young and playful. Consistency is vital across all touchpoints. A fictional persona, a distinct personality, values and a relatable story sum up the characteristics of a brand character who engages with the consumers, constructs relationships and earns their trust.

A brand can rope in as many faces, but these factors remain constant and act as a guiding force for the brand. For instance, Dove soap commercials emphasise ‘the real beauty’ and use common women to narrate the story. Irrespective of whether the people featured in the ad remain the same or change, what remains constant is the message they want to convey and the character they possess.

Why Do We Listen?

Humans love stories since evolution. They have the power to spark our imagination, and visualisation, and evoke emotions. Brands leverage this to create a deeper connection with their audiences. They humanise conversations to build an emotional connection and create a sense of relatability and empathy for the character. It enables trust and brand advocacy. A meaningful engagement is the game changer, it goes beyond the product and connects with the audience's values and aspirations. These stories are long-lasting. It stays with us for life and becomes a part of our personal narrative, fostering brand loyalty.

Some tricks to make these brand conversations impactful are: experimenting with newer avenues and platforms, having an integrated approach, maintaining consistency in engaging with the audiences, hosting user-generated content, and contests, rolling out thought leadership pieces, active listening, prompt responses to customer feedback

To sum it all up, brand characters are the drivers of effective communication and set the brand apart from its competitors. They are more than products or services, they transform into characters we connect with, trust and make us their choice. Harnessing the power of storytelling leads to a stronger connection and fosters loyalty that goes beyond transaction. So, it's now the time to shine brighter, be authentic and watch your brand come to life!


Mehul Gupta

Guest Author Co-founder & CEO, SoCheers

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