
ASCI's Manisha Kapoor Weighs In On MIB's Fresh Self-Declaration Feature For Advertising

The Supreme Court mandates that advertisers and advertising agencies must provide a 'Self-Declaration Certificate' prior to publishing or broadcasting any ad

In its Order dated 7 May, 2024, the Supreme Court (SC) mandated that advertisers and advertising agencies must provide a 'Self-Declaration Certificate' prior to publishing or broadcasting any advertisement. Following this directive, the MIB introduced a new feature on the Broadcast Seva Portal for TV and radio ads, and on the Press Council of India's portal for print and digital/internet ads. The certificate, signed by an authorised representative, must be submitted through these platforms. 

Manisha Kapoor, CEO and Secretary General, Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), mentioned, “The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has established new features to their portals to enable advertisers to obtain the self-declaration certificate to comply with the Supreme Court directives. Given the vast number of creatives that now need certification, this is a challenge that advertisers, agencies and media owners will need to gear up for.”

Kapoor highlighted ASCI's Advertising Advice service, aiding advertisers in adhering to the ASCI Code, integral to the Advertising Code under the Cable TV Network (Regulation) Act. This will bolster advertisers' assurance in their required self-declarations for print, TV, and internet advertisements. This also ensures compliance with the mandated self-declarations for print, TV, and internet ads, making certification a prerequisite for all advertisers across media channels.

Kapoor continued, "To avoid any disruptions in their campaigns, advertisers and agencies are advised to familiarise themselves with the portals and the requirements during the buffer period provided until 18 June, 2024.”

The portal went live on 4 June, 2024. All advertisers and advertising agencies must acquire the Self-Declaration Certificate for new advertisements scheduled to be issued, telecast, aired, or published from 18 June, 2024, onward. 

A two-week buffer period allows stakeholders to acquaint themselves with the self-certification process. Existing advertisements are exempt from this requirement at present.

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