
We Are Exploring & Maximising Opportunities For Content Syndication: Upendra Rai

In an interview with BW Businessworld, Upendra Rai, Chairman & Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express News Network, delves into Bharat Express' perspective of the future of news, its adaptation of emerging technologies and focus on personalised content delivery

Amidst shifting consumer preferences, how is Bharat Express evolving its content delivery and production methods to ensure relevance and engagement?

At Bharat Express, we've embraced a multi-platform approach by delivering news content not only on television but also across digital platforms such as websites, social media, mobile apps, and streaming services. This strategy enables the channel to reach audiences where they are and cater to various consumption habits. Additionally, we utilise data analytics to better understand audience preferences and behaviours, tailoring news content to meet the specific interests of different demographic groups or individuals.

We prioritise experimentation with interactive formats such as live Q&A sessions, polls, quizzes, and user-generated content. Recognising the trend towards shorter attention spans and the consumption of bite-sized content, we produce shorter news segments, highlights, or summaries that deliver key information quickly and succinctly, suitable for platforms like social media or mobile apps.

Furthermore, we invest in compelling visual storytelling techniques such as immersive graphics, animations, and augmented reality. These visual elements enhance the storytelling experience, making news content more engaging and easier to understand, especially for younger audiences.

As traditional revenue models face disruption, what is Bharat Express’s strategy for financial sustainability?

To overcome the disruption of traditional revenue models, Bharat Express depends on alternative revenue streams such as expanding digital advertising efforts by leveraging the channel's online platforms, including the website, mobile app, and social media channels. Offering targeted advertising opportunities based on user data and behaviour can attract advertisers looking to reach specific audience segments.

We are working to introduce subscription-based models that offer premium content or exclusive features to subscribers. We are also exploring and maximising opportunities for content syndication by licensing news content to other media outlets, streaming platforms, or international broadcasters. We are partnering with brands to create branded content or sponsored segments that align with the channel's editorial values and audience interests. We are organising live events, conferences, or experiential activations related to news topics or themes covered by the channel and monetising these events.

How does Bharat Express measure audience engagement in a fragmented media environment, and what tactics have been most effective in retaining and growing its viewer and reader base?

Like other TV news channels, Bharat Express tracks traditional metrics such as viewership ratings, audience reach, and demographic breakdowns to gauge the size and composition of the audience across different programmes and time slots. Additionally, at Bharat Express, we closely monitor audience engagement through digital analytics tools to track online audience engagement metrics such as website traffic, social media interactions, video views, click-through rates, and time spent on digital platforms. These metrics provide insights into audience behaviour and preferences in the digital space.

Furthermore, we actively monitor social media engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, retweets, and mentions to gauge audience engagement with news content on social platforms. We track audience retention metrics such as average viewing duration, bounce rates, and returning visitors to assess how effectively the channel is retaining its audience and encouraging repeat engagement. We analyse content performance data to identify which topics, formats, and storytelling techniques resonate most with the audience.

In what ways is Bharat Express leveraging emerging technologies like AI and machine learning to enhance its news gathering processes, improve audience interaction, and streamline operational management?

As AI has significantly impacted modern-day business activities, Bharat Express has adopted AI-powered tools to automate the generation of news articles, summaries, and for AI-based anchoring. These tools enable TV news channels to quickly produce timely and relevant content to keep up with the 24/7 news cycle.

AI-powered transcription and translation tools automatically transcribe spoken content from video footage or live broadcasts and translate them into multiple languages. This streamlines the process of captioning videos, making news content accessible to a broader audience, and improving SEO for digital platforms.

We are also focusing on AI and machine learning algorithms to optimise various operational processes within the TV news channel, such as resource allocation, scheduling, and workflow management. By automating repetitive tasks and identifying areas for improvement, channels can streamline operations, reduce costs, and allocate resources more effectively.

What steps is Bharat Express taking to ensure content authenticity and combat misinformation in an era of rapid digital dissemination of information?

News broadcasting at Bharat Express undergoes three levels of checks and authentications. Our organisational structure is designed to prevent direct news from going on air or onto our social media platforms without verification.

Initially, the originator of the news reports the event as it happens on the ground level. Then, it undergoes validation at the bureau level. Next, it is sent forward for assignment where it undergoes another round of authentication. Finally, when the news is approved by the output team, it is aired. These multiple layers of verification minimise the chances of broadcasting any inaccurate news.

In the rare event of misinformation being aired, the channel takes immediate corrective action and takes ownership of the mistake. Measures are then put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Can you elaborate on Bharat Express's leadership principles and how they foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity within the organisation?

Bharat Express strongly believes in and practices core leadership traits, wherein leaders set a clear vision for the organisation, emphasising the importance of innovation and inclusivity in driving the channel's success. They communicate this vision effectively to all team members, inspiring them to embrace change and contribute to the channel's overall growth.

Our leadership strength rests on four pillars: Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Learning and Growth Perspective, and Internal Process Perspective. Leaders at Bharat Express empower employees at all levels to take ownership of their work and contribute ideas for innovation. They create an environment of trust and psychological safety where team members feel comfortable taking risks, sharing feedback and challenging the status quo.

As audience preferences continue to evolve, what measures is Bharat Express taking to personalise content delivery and provide tailored experiences for its viewers and readers?

Bharat Express is implementing a multi-pronged approach to personalise content delivery and offer tailored experiences for its viewers and readers as audience preferences evolve:

- We customise news content and recommendations based on data-driven insights about specific user profiles.

- Multi-Platform Delivery: By providing content across various platforms such as broadcast, websites, social media, mobile apps, and streaming services, Bharat Express caters to different consumption preferences.

- Interactive Features: Interactive formats like polls, quizzes, and user-generated content on social media platforms enable viewers to express their interests and engage with relevant content.

- Focus on Diverse Voices: Featuring a range of journalists and contributors with diverse perspectives allows Bharat Express to offer a broader spectrum of news coverage, appealing to audiences with different viewpoints.

By integrating these strategies, Bharat Express aims to deliver a personalised news experience that keeps viewers and readers engaged and informed on topics relevant to them.

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