
Today Is The Golden Age Of Digitisation: Uzma Irfan, Prestige Group

Mass media in India today is edging towards a ''Digital or Die'' case scenario right now. In this fast-paced ecosystem, it has become easy to lose brand identification if the firm is not aggressive in its digital presence. Betting high on an active social media presence, Uzma Irfan, Director - Corporate Communications, Prestige Group reiterates her belief in constantly engaging with their consumers/followers online and the company's keenness in exploring other newer digital platforms to maximise reach. 


Q. There is an evident shift amongst consumers with regard to their platform choices. How has it impacted the position of mass media in current times? Any irreversible changes that you observe?
Clearly, the platform requirements have changed but the core of customer engagement continues to reside with quality content. It is only prime content that surpasses all platforms. Accordingly, the firms adjust the pedestals allotted to their respective platforms/formats. Hence the commercial flow remains the same. Counterintuitive to the general approach, we don't have an opinion that there are any irreversible components to the constant change, only adjustments. The basics of survival.

Q. Talking genre-wise, which segments garner the maximum inclination and why? 
Genre-wise, the tier 1 segments garner the maximum inclination, closely followed by our tier 2 markets where we have had a strong presence digitally as well as in the traditional media. In an era defined by COVID-19 and its persistent global challenges, we have taken the onus to adapt to the needs of the ‘new normal’ by leveraging digital solutions such as virtual site tours, video calls and innovative visualisation. Prestige Group empowers consumers to make informed property purchase decisions. The adoption of VR ensures that customers don’t feel eluded of the physical property buying experience that they are accustomed to. For those who are not so tech-savvy, Prestige Group has dedicated executives trained to handhold customers through the virtual process.  

Q. What impact does this irreversible consumer behaviour have on the investments that you have earmarked for your presence and marketing in the year ahead? 
It’s an exciting time for marketing. Due to the pent-up demand/aspirations, things are moving at an accelerated pace. We have observed a large leap in digital commerce.

Q. With influx of a lot of innovative players across sectors & platforms, what kind of challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the mass media companies?
Today is the golden age of digitisation. The level of social media movements formed in a manner that burnishes, not tarnishes is a great way for enterprises to connect with people and stay relevant.

Mobile video marketing is going to provide huge rewards for business and the trends borne out of the pandemic are here to stay. Key insights will be garnered, and a level of hyper-personalisation is possible through mass media. The big data realm will be openly embraced, and insights can pragmatically be gleaned.               

On the downside, there’s a higher degree of scrutiny and we've already reached the threshold of misinformation. One must maintain a cautious balance while treading the tight rope of mass media to harness its pros.

Q. Mass media is often marred by backlash, controversies and related challenges. How do you monitor and ensure that the set guidelines are followed internally and amongst stakeholders while working with traditional platforms?
At Prestige, we have a defined set of protocols and guidelines which are followed as a rule of thumb, wherein we assess the ongoing issues related to our industry and monitor any negative feedback or challenges that may arise before we proceed with any of our operations or pursue an opportunity. We strongly believe in keeping our customers and employees interests first and foremost, hence ensuring their trust in our brand.

Q. From an advertiser perspective, how lucrative an area is mass media today? What sectors are relying on the power of mass media more? Who are the top spenders?
In the present time, mass media is extremely lucrative. It has changed its approach too to adapt to the new normal. The sentiments have changed to:

  • Marketing begins with knowing your customer segment                            
  • You are now not just competing with your competitors but with the last best experience your customer had
  • Customers expect you to adapt to their demands
  • Relationships are everything
  • Agility is a modern marketing and advertising approach
  • Your brand should stand behind great values as well as quality products
  • You need the right balance of factors (including your tech stack) to drive modern marketing success

Considering the pandemic and the drastic shift towards digital, mass media has donned multifaceted roles and each one at that extremely crucial.



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