
Setting The Festive Tone: How Influencer Marketing Fuels Holiday Marketing

Marketers must harness the power of observation to identify emerging trends and create something truly valuable from them. This principle is especially relevant for influencer marketing during the festive season, says Ujjwal

As India approaches the festive season, beginning with Independence Day, brands are gearing up to harness the festive fervour with impactful sales, discounts, and promotions. With consumers eagerly awaiting these seasonal promotions, the challenge for brands is to cut through the noise and attract relevant eyeballs. Among various marketing strategies, influencer marketing has proven to be exceptionally effective. Its ability to connect with audiences through authentic, trusted voices suits the diverse Indian market.

However, success involves navigating numerous factors, with timing and efficacy paramount. With Independence Day approaching and festive season campaigns already in full swing, the pressing questions are: how can brands maximise their efforts to ensure their marketing strategies stand out? Do they have time? Do they have the ideas? Lastly, what are the resources they need?

Why Influencer Marketing Works During Festive Time

Influencer marketing is particularly effective during festive seasons due to several factors. Consumer spending during festive periods tends to rise, driven by a combination of emotional engagement, heightened appetite for shopping, and exclusive offers. The Indian festive marketing economy alone is projected to witness a 15-20 per centyear-over-year increase in ad spend, with substantial investments in digital and television platforms. In fact, ad spending during festive seasons in India is estimated to account for approximately 45-50 per cent of annual ad expenditures. This period is particularly crucial, with brands across categories such as auto, consumer durables, and electronics ramping up their marketing efforts.

The festive marketing landscape globally highlights this trend. For instance, during the 4th of July celebrations in the United States, brands leverage influencer marketing to enhance their holiday promotions. The impact is evident from the substantial consumer spending, with American households spending over $6 billion on 4th of July sales in 2023. In this context, influencer marketing becomes a key driver, helping brands effectively reach and engage their target audiences during peak shopping times.

Independence Day: Values And Narratives Associated

Independence Day, particularly, is more than just a date on the calendar; it represents a profound national sentiment of freedom, pride, and unity. The narratives associated with Independence Day evoke a sense of national identity and collective achievement. Brands that align their campaigns with these values can create a more meaningful connection with their audience.

In India, Independence Day celebrates the country's journey towards sovereignty, emphasising themes of freedom, unity, and cultural heritage. Successful campaigns often incorporate elements of patriotism and national pride, resonating with consumers who are in a reflective and celebratory mood.

Globally, similar themes are leveraged during other national holidays. For instance, in the United States, the 4th of July is celebrated with themes of freedom and patriotism. Influencer campaigns during this time often focus on American pride, historical reflection, and community spirit. By aligning their messaging with the emotional core of the holiday, brands can engage consumers on a deeper level.

A recent campaign that comes to mind is Old Navy’s 4th of July campaign, which stood out by blending patriotism with personal storytelling. Instead of typical sales promotions, they created a social media video featuring new U.S. citizens sharing their heartfelt definitions of patriotism. This approach showcased genuine, emotional connections and celebrated the values of freedom and national pride. Old Navy transformed its campaign into a memorable celebration of American values based on real experiences, making it both impactful and relatable. This is the essence of influencer marketing and what it can achieve.

Note For Brand Marketers

To effectively leverage festive influencer marketing, brands can consider these actionable insights:

  • Early identification and outreach: Influencers tend to be booked well in advance during festive seasons, making it crucial for brands to plan early. The heightened demand for UGC content creators during these periods means that prime slots and top-tier influencers get reserved quickly. By initiating outreach and solidifying collaborations months before the festive rush, brands can ensure they have access to the right influencers who can effectively amplify their campaigns. 
  • Test and optimise creative approaches: Before rolling out full-scale campaigns, conduct A/B testing with different types of content (e.g., product demos vs. lifestyle integrations) to determine which approaches generate the highest engagement and conversions. Use these insights to optimise the creative direction of your influencer campaigns.
  • Implement geo-targeted influencer strategies: Employ geo-targeting techniques to collaborate with influencers who have strong regional followings. By focusing on influencers with local or regional influence, you can tailor your messaging to specific geographic areas, maximising relevance and impact for localised promotions.
  • Leverage tech-based influencer platforms: For brands that are still refining their target customer profile or lack precise insights, partnering with influencer marketing platforms can be highly beneficial. From discovery to full-stack campaign solutions, these platforms offer comprehensive tools and analytics that assist brands in strategising the entire process, serving as a valuable knowledge platform to optimise campaign effectiveness.


Marketing approaches, ideas, and strategies may evolve, but it is values, sentiments, and consumer behaviour that drive these changes. Marketers must harness the power of observation to identify emerging trends and create something truly valuable from them. This principle is especially relevant for influencer marketing during the festive season. It’s a time when brand marketers need to stay agile and craft dynamic strategies that reflect current trends and resonate with the audience. Staying attuned to these shifting dynamics allows brands to develop campaigns that are not only timely but also memorable and impactful.


Ritesh Ujjwal

Guest Author Co-Founder, Kofluence

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