
Reckitt's Ravi Bhatnagar Aims Big For Purpose Lead Business

In a candid conversation, Ravi Bhatnagar, Director External Affairs and Partnerships SOA, Reckitt shares the company's vision to fuse commercial success with catalysing positive change, the powerful Harpic Loocator campaign contesting at Cannes Lions Glass and more
Reckitt's Ravi Bhatnagar Aims Big For Cannes Lions With Purposeful Marketing

Reckitt is presently focussing on purpose, sustainability and societal well-being in its initiatives. In a candid conversation with BW Marketing World, Ravi Bhatnagar, Director External Affairs and Partnerships SOA, Reckitt discussed the company's purpose-driven marketing, sustainable practices and campaigns centred on inclusivity and societal well-being and more.

When asked about the uncertain media industry landscape with mergers and acquisitions taking place in the industry, Bhatnagar acknowledged the unpredictability but remained optimistic about Reckitt's performance. "We are doing great at this moment," he stated, highlighting the company's strong position despite being unlisted in India.

Brand Purpose and Entry To Cannes Lions 
Reckitt's campaigns in India are driven by the philosophy of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Prayas'. Bhatnagar emphasised that the company's energies and campaigns are tailored specifically for the Indian market, prioritising national interests over corporate branding and their philosophy stating, "This all fuels further the brand purpose, the brand narrative and the national narrative."

Bhatnagar revealed an upcoming initiative for the Harpic's ‘Loocator’, a campaign aimed at addressing the critical issue of access to clean public restrooms for women. In partnership with Google, the Loocator enables women to locate nearby restrooms, rate them and leave comments, facilitating better discovery and promoting women's health.
"It should not happen that women get all kinds of diseases, UTIs and other things by virtue of holding pee for the longest time, not drinking enough water, which will have consequential health impacts," Bhatnagar said, highlighting the true purpose behind Reckitt's marketing efforts.

Harpic Loocator is one of three Indian entries competing for the Cannes Lions Glass Award this year. However, Bhatnagar stressed that the true measure of success lies in solving real problems. "Entry is one part, but the most important part is what kind of problem you want to really solve," he remarked.

Purpose-Led Marketing and Consumer Trust 
During the pandemic, Reckitt unveiled the 'Dettol Swasth India' campaign, celebrating frontline warriors by featuring their images on Dettol bottles and removing the brand's logo. The initiative aimed to build consumer trust, a crucial factor in Reckitt's marketing strategy.
"India is a country with three times the number of activist consumers," Bhatnagar noted, emphasising the importance of addressing consumer concerns about ethical sourcing, sustainable practices and fair labour standards.

Citing research, Bhatnagar noted that 88 per cent of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that share their values and 90 per cent are more likely to trust companies committed to CSR, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2023. A Nielsen study also found that 73 per cent of Indian consumers are willing to pay more for socially and environmentally conscious products.
"At Reckitt, our purpose-led brand ambition is very big," asserted Bhatnagar. He elaborated on Reckitt's major campaigns in India focused on public health, hygiene and sexual education like Dettol's 'Banega Swasth India', Harpic's 'Mission Swachhta Aur Paani', and Durex's 'The Birds and Bees Talk'.
Bhatnagar emphasised the need for long-term investment pipelines rather than short-term projects mentioning, "It's very important to put the investments in a flow where you have the long-term pipelines and the vision and what it means to the business."
Highlighting Reckitt's global impact, he shared that the 'Dettol Banega Swasth India' campaign has expanded to 22 countries, while 'Harpic's Mission Swachhta Aur Paani' has potential to run in 10 nations. Bhatnagar acknowledged the challenges with the 'Birds and Bees Talk' campaign amid societal divides but reaffirmed Reckitt's commitment to tackling the issue.


Reema Bhaduri

BW Reporters The author is the Editorial Lead at BW Businessworld. Majorly writes on marketing, advertising, experiential marketing and retail. She closely looks upon the vertical of BW Marketing World and BW Retail World.

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