
FB Actioned On 33.3M Content Pieces: Report

Given a recent compliance report by Facebook, called the 'India Monthly Report under the Information Technology', it details the actions taken against violating content on Facebook and Instagram for content created by users in India and proactive detection rates. It also presents information on grievances received from users in India via grievance mechanisms. This report contains information for a period of 46 days, for the period from 16 June, 2021 to 31 July, 2021.

Going by the numbers, Facebook actioned on 33.3 million content pieces across ten policy areas, whereas Instagram actioned against 2.8 million pieces in nine categories. Below is a breakdown of proactive detection and content actioned by the two giants:

The two metrics in the report quantify the company's efforts on removing content and being able to detect them proactively before a user reports to them. These metrics are the best estimates for actions it takes on content created by users who they predict are users in India.

1. Content Actioned: Measuring the number of pieces of content (such as posts, photos, videos or comments), they take action on for going against their standards. This metric shows the scale of their enforcement activity. Taking action could include removing a piece of content from Facebook or Instagram or covering photos or videos that may be disturbing to some audiences with a warning

2. Proactive Rate: This metric shows all content or accounts acted on that the company found and flagged before users reported them. They use this metric as an indicator of how effectively they detect violations. The rate at which they can proactively detect potentially violating content is high for some violations, meaning they find and flag most content before users do. This is especially true where they have been able to build machine learning technology that automatically identifies content that might violate the company's standards.

Grievances From Users In India

The total number of user reports were 1504 for Facebook and 265 for Instagram and the social media company has responded to all of them. The reports were received under
the following categories:

For Facebook

"Of these incoming reports, we provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 1,326 cases. These include pre-established channels to report content for specific violations, self-remediation flows where they can download their data, avenues to address account hacked issues etc," said the report.

For Instagram

"Of these incoming reports, we provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 181 cases. These
include pre-established channels to report content for specific violations, self-remediation flows
where they can download their data, avenues to address account hacked issues etc," it further added.

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