
Cabinet Gives Green Flag To Private FM Radio In 234 New Cities

This comes with an estimated reserve price of Rs.784.87 crore under the private FM radio Phase Ill policy

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the proposal to conduct the third batch of ascending e-auctions for 730 channels in 234 new cities with an estimated reserve price of Rs.784.87 crores under private FM radio Phase Ill policy.

The Cabinet also approved the proposal to charge the annual license fee (ALF) of FM channels as 4 per cent of gross revenue excluding goods and services tax (GST). This will apply to 234 new cities and towns.

The private FM radio rollout in 234 new cities and towns will fulfil the unmet demand for FM radio in these areas, which remain uncovered by private FM radio broadcasting and bring new and local content in the mother tongue.

It will lead to the creation of new employment opportunities, boost local dialect and culture and ‘vocal for local’ initiatives, said the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting release.

Many of the approved cities and towns are in aspirational districts and Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas. Setting up private FM radio in these areas will further strengthen government outreach in these areas.

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