
Bloody Billboards Campaign: Ad Exec Calls On Cannes Lions & Industry To Address Gaza Crisis

Zed Anwar, a freelance creative art director, took to LinkedIn to highlight the advertising industry’s ‘deliberate’ silence on the atrocities committed against the people of Gaza

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity began on 3 June, 2024. This event contrasts sharply with the dire situation faced by children on the beaches of Rafah.

Zed Anwar, a freelance creative art director, expressed on LinkedIn that the advertising industry is deliberately’ silent about the atrocities occurring in Gaza.

“As a Muslim creative, the pain of witnessing an industry I hold dear remain deliberately silent during the extermination of the people of Gaza is profound. This is the same industry that rallied in support of the people of Ukraine from day one, demonstrating its capacity for empathy and action. Yet, today marks 240 days of a deliberate silence on Gaza (as confirmed by a senior creative within the industry by DM),” he mentioned in his post.

Anwar continued, “How disconnected must one be to celebrate excess and fleeting fame for brands that are directly funding genocide? It is not just the gluttony and spectacle that is troubling, but the deeper implications of their actions. These brands, from those supplying soldiers with burgers to those owned by hedge fund cartels, who also hold shares in companies that supply bombs & missiles to Israel. These weapons are then targeted at children refugees in tents.”

He pointed out that the ‘deliberate’ silence is not simply a moral failing but a profound act of complicity. He underlined that the advertising industry, which takes pride in its creativity and influence, has chosen to turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent lives. “This is the same industry that champions causes, fights for justice, and advocates for change—yet it remains silent on this atrocity,” he said.

“How can so many be on the wrong side of history? Where are your voices? Where are your eyes? Where are your ears? The questions echo in the silence, demanding answers from those who have chosen comfort over conscience, and profit over people,” Anwar added.

He also revealed that by supporting these brands and celebrating their fleeting moments of fame, the industry is endorsing the wrong beach. He wrote, “The beaches of Cannes may glitter with wealth and success, but they are overshadowed by the blood and tears on the beaches of Rafah. Your deliberate silence has shamed humanity, revealing a moral void at the heart of an industry that could have been a beacon of hope and change.”

Anwar's LinkedIn post served as a call to action for the advertising industry. “It’s time to find your voice, to open your eyes, and to listen with your hearts. It’s time to stand on the right side of history, to use your influence for good, and to show that you are more than just purveyors of products, but champions of humanity. The world is watching, and it’s time to act, even though its 200,000 dead too late,” he reiterated.

“You can't cover up what's happening in Gaza anymore, the blood is overflowing from behind billboard campaigns,” Anwar wrapped up.

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