
Niranjan Gidwani


Former CEO of Eros Group

Latest Articles By Niranjan Gidwani

Digital Marketing: A Revisit

The global internet revolution has indeed accelerated the adoption of digital-first technologies in all age groups, writes Niranjan Gidwani

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Cross Border Ecommerce Needs A Strategic Push

The key to a successful shopping-to-shipping experience for consumers relies heavily on a deep understanding of consumer behaviour, writes Niranjan Gidwani

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AR/VR & Generative AI – Where To?

Generative AI has the potential to transform how people live and work and if controlled by devious minds, it also has the potential to cause immense damage, writes Niranjan Gidwani

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Digital Marketing: Seeking Progress Over Perfection

In today’s world, customers are extremely fickle and have limited bandwidth of attention, writes Niranjan Gidwani

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A Synopsis Of Broad Consumer Trends

A genuine, emotional connection makes consumers feel respected and appreciated, writes Niranjan Gidwani

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B2B-D2C & Its Relevance For Distributors

With the rise of ecommerce and the changing expectations of consumers, many B2B companies, distributors and manufacturers are now embracing D2C strategies to reach customers more effectively

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Good Corporate Governance Is Also Great Brand Building

Rising interest rates, supply chain costs and geopolitical situations are going to put tremendous stress on companies across the region, especially those operating with low margins

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Technology – Improving Productivity Or Just Providing Lifestyle Experiences

Technological innovation is visible in our children, who spend all day staring at screens, and it's embedded in our stock market, where Apple, Alphabet, Google and Meta compete for the highest valuation of any company on this planet

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Upskilling & Reskilling Within The Channel Industry

In an era of multiple and serious disruptions to the labour market -- the pandemic, supply chain changes, the green transition, technological transformation, ageing, geopolitical tensions -- the one best investment is in education, reskilling and upskilling

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Technology Trends 2023 & Beyond

Digital transformation truly is a blue ocean opportunity for every company in the technology space, helping improve products, manpower and processes

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