
Solulus From My Delulus

Gen Z: noun

Z stands for Zoomer, a generation born with a screen, in the screen, for the screen. A generation that took the flower power of the boomers and added a whole new touch of OG, and creativity with the power of the Z (internet). 

Prompt: Simplify for a marketer.

Gen Z: The end of everything, the beginning of everything new. Z...Get it?

Prompt: Help a FOMO marketer understand this lit AF race. Keep it simple and go basic: A to Z.

Decoding Gen Z 

A: An active authentic tribe built for apps. AI led?

B: No BS with these good folks. They love all their 'baes', draw clear boundaries and such brave bros online. 

C: Cringe! They get anxious about climate change, love companies that invest in CSR, are creators and consumers of content, collaboratively. Their cancel culture is no myth.

D: D.I.Y. culture. Upholders of diversity, these digital natives will give you Drake hands (approval for the uninformed) if you are a diversity pro. 

E: Earth is theirs and these environmentally, empathetic entrepreneurs will go the extra mile to e-save it.

F: FOMO much? Don’t be thirsty (Gen Z slang). They are fluid and fun. Social media fire (meaning, cool.)

G: Good news: They are generationally, and globally alike. They got the G-Force. They love gamification and respect the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time).

H: Lord of Healthy – healthy mind, healthy body, healthy work-life balance. Humour is their favourite genre in fiction. They are also honest #YouDoYou

I: They are highly individualistic. Their ID has evolved. They are inclusive, innovative, informed, and intelligent. Born to the internet, they are Instagrammers and influencers and love indie publishing.

J: They hate anything janky (low quality). They pursue joy, craft new jargon, jog and jive to live to the fullest. The ML tea (gossip) is that they even share an appreciation for jazz.

K: They are Kinesthetic learners. Practical, constant experimentation, going deep to unpeel the layers for themselves. After all, they are quite sus (suspicious – their language) and need all the data analytics and algorithms to make informed decisions.

L: Lit AF (I am going to leave at just cool). They are so lighthearted and happy. They truly live and let live. They firmly stand for LGBTQIA + rights. They detest being labelled. 

M: Meh! That’s what they will collectively say if your messaging, dear marketer, is not meaningful.

N: These netizens are hooked on Netflix. Neural networks were inspired by their existence.

O: Online is where you will find them. Remember ASL? You cannot ask them for their age or sex, their location is another story. How do you think Generative AI was generated?!

P: They are podcasters and podcast listeners. They develop practical skills by being just that.

Q: Quirky is the word? That’s them folks – Gen Zs – valuing quality over quantity, yet looking for quantification in realms to arrive at inception scores (mathematical algorithm used to measure the quality of images generated through AI) through GAN (generative adverbial network). There’s also Q-learning for them. 

R: Gen Z living rent-free in your mind, my simple-minded fellow marketers. They are resourceful, they read, create reels, are reliable, and stand for racial justice. They believe in RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback). No AI without Human Race and Gen Zs know that.

S: They ignore the salty (angry and bitter humans). They love their squad (friends). They slay (succeed) at Social Media via streaming, shots, short-form content, all powered by self-expression. 

T: They don’t exist. They thrive via travel experiences captured on TikTok. They respect transparency and are unafraid to speak the truth. Technology and enterprise tools are Gen Z’s toddler play zones.

U: U must not look so flabbergasted and overwhelmed by my marketing genius. Upcycle your products, content, and creative mantras and you will be the Pied Piper of this Z race.

V: Vibe Check. (Gen Z likes you, my marketing cousin) Embrace all things voice, video, vernacular, virtual reality, vlogs. Gen Z is values-driven and is seeking like-minded brands that are vocal like them.

W: Woke (aware), much? That’s them, very woke. Woke’s their religion. They are clear that work for example is just for finance, nothing more. They are so woke, they read webcomics! I think the W in www (World Wide Web) is Woke! They knew the Gen Zs are coming!

X: Now, don’t be so (e)xtra (dramatic, in their speak!) The Gen Z has the x-factor to the (e)xtent that no preceding generation had!

Y: After all, as the Gen Zs say #YOLO (You Live Only Once) and they are doing so. 

Z: Gen Z of course! Z...

A Marketing Odyssey

Dear marketers, buckle up for the generative AI ride of a lifetime. May your campaigns be as unforgettable as a well-timed meme, and your success be as boundless as the digital horizon.

Here's to the G-force of Generative AI, the Gen Z saga, and a marketing future that's both brilliant and beautiful!

Always remember #YouDoYou because Your Delulu is your only Solulu!

*The author is Samyukta Ganesh Iyer, Ex - Vice President & Head- Marketing, Kaya 


Samyukta Ganesh Iyer

Guest Author The author is a Brand Consultant & Executive Coach| Former CMO Sephora, Baskin Robbins, Kaya

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