Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEEL) has appointed Shiva Chinnasamy, the company’s Chief Technology and Product Officer (CTPO) to take on the responsibilities of Chief Business Officer for Zee5, its digital streaming platform. The transition follows the departure of Manish Kalra, who stepped down in December.
Manish Kalra, who joined ZEE5 in 2020, was instrumental in enhancing audience engagement, forming strategic partnerships and driving the platform’s global expansion. His role had recently broadened to include overseeing ZEE5’s international business, reflecting his significant contributions to the platform’s growth trajectory.
Shiva Chinnasamy, who joined ZEEL in September 2024 as CTPO has been pivotal in shaping the company’s technological and product strategies. Based at the Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC) in Bengaluru, Chinnasamy has focused on utilising data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to improve user experiences and support ZEEL’s growth initiatives.
With over 20 years of experience in technology, data science and analytics, Chinnasamy is a seasoned leader with a diverse background spanning ad tech, ecommerce, B2C fintech and mobile engineering. Before joining ZEEL, he held leadership roles at global organisations including Rippling, Google, Amazon, Tesco and Verizon Labs.