Tata AIG General Insurance Company, has appointed Amit Ganorkar as its new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Ganorkar succeeds Neelesh Garg, with the transition receiving approval from the board of directors and all requisite regulatory authorities. Effective 1 January 2025, Ganorkar has officially assumed his new role, ensuring a seamless handover of responsibilities.
Amit Ganorkar, MD and CEO expressed his gratitude, stating, “I am honored to be entrusted with this significant responsibility. TATA AIG has a legacy of excellence built on the trust and confidence of our customers and stakeholders. I am committed to continuing this journey of success alongside our talented team. Together, we will focus on strengthening our customer-centric approach, enhancing digital transformation, and driving sustainable growth to meet the evolving needs of our clients”
Ganorkar brings over 20 years of extensive expertise in the general insurance industry, showcasing a strong track record in critical domains such as sales and distribution, product development, marketing, operations and technology. Before taking on his current role, he served as the Managing Director of Royal Sundaram General Insurance. Prior to that, he held the position of Chief Operating Officer at TATA AIG.