
Marketing With Purpose: Catalysing Change On Earth Overshoot Day

Each year, Earth Overshoot Day serves as a powerful reminder that the Earth’s limited resources will not suffice the ever-growing needs of human development. As challenging and as catastrophic as it may seem, the milestone also presents us with a golden opportunity, albeit a shrinking one, to implement sustainable practices, preserve local resources, and reduce carbon emissions through our daily actions. This milestone not only draws attention to the need for transformative action but also makes it imperative for businesses to embrace purpose-driven marketing and become agents of positive change.

According to data by the Global Footprint Network, India's Ecological Footprint is 0.6 global hectares (gha) per capita, which is lower than the global average of 1.7 gha. This indicates that India is already on a positive trajectory toward sustainable practices. However, India's total ecological footprint of 1.2 billion gha - the fourth highest in the world - signals the need for continuous progress and increased awareness amongst Indian consumers.

India's position as the most populous country in the world poses a mammoth challenge to balance developmental goals with the country’s commitment to be a net-zero economy by 2070. With a projected population of 1.5 billion by 2030, the country has the potential to embrace sustainable consumption and lead the world in embracing innovative sustainable solutions that alleviate the strain on our precious resources. It is here that marketing will play a key role in raising awareness, promoting sustainable products and services, driving behavioural change, and inspiring collaborative action. 

Tapping Into Your Inner Green Yodha To Enhance Consumer Connect

Marketing assumes a paramount role in enlightening customers about the profound environmental ramifications arising from their choices. Through thought-provoking narratives that underscore the consequences of overconsumption and resource depletion, businesses possess the power to ignite a transformative spark within individuals, propelling them toward sustainable choices. By deploying informative campaigns, crafting compelling content, and orchestrating immersive interactive experiences, marketers facilitate a profound understanding amongst consumers of their pivotal role in safeguarding and preserving our precious planet.

Joining The Green Movement

Marketing with purpose involves championing sustainable alternatives that alleviate strain on available resources. By emphasising the benefits of eco-friendly products and services, companies can position themselves as advocates for sustainability. Engaging campaigns can showcase energy-efficient offerings, products made from recycled materials, or those contributing to environmental conservation, fostering a more sustainable marketplace. The demand for eco-friendly products is on the rise in India, as indicated by a report from Nielsen, which states that 75 per cent of Indian consumers are willing to pay a premium for sustainable products. This presents a tremendous opportunity for businesses to meet the growing customer demand for eco-friendly options and promote sustainable alternatives.

Leading By Example

Marketers can play a pivotal role in inspiring consumers to adopt sustainable habits through persuasive messaging and storytelling. Encouraging actions such as recycling, conserving energy, reducing waste, and embracing renewable resources create a meaningful impact. Implementing gamification and incentivisation techniques further motivates individuals to make sustainable choices, fostering long-term behaviour change. In India, where per capita waste generation is projected to increase from 0.5 kg to 0.7 kg per day by 2025, driving behaviour change is crucial. By promoting sustainable habits and incentivising individuals to adopt them, businesses can significantly contribute to mitigating the negative impact of waste generation.

Collaboration For Systemic Overhaul 

Addressing Earth Overshoot Day requires collective action. By collaborating with stakeholders, businesses can tackle issues related to overconsumption and resource depletion. Partnerships, knowledge sharing, and pooling of resources lead to policy changes, sustainable supply chains, and the development of eco-friendly technologies, accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future. In India, where the government has set a target of achieving 40 per cent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, collaboration between businesses and policymakers is crucial. Working together, businesses and policymakers can create a more sustainable ecosystem and effectively mitigate the negative impact of climate change.

For all of us global citizens, this day is a resounding global clarion call, summoning individuals, businesses, and governments to confront the harrowing reality of our unsustainable practices. Within this pivotal moment, marketing with purpose emerges as a potent tool, empowering companies to actively participate in the arduous task of mitigating the deleterious effects of this milestone. In India, where the burgeoning population leads to the escalation of the voracious appetite for resources, marketing with purpose assumes paramount importance in kindling the flame of inspiration within individuals, compelling them to embrace sustainable choices and make profound contributions towards ameliorating the dire impact of climate change. 

This day nudges us to seize the mantle of marketing with purpose, thus harmonising our collective efforts towards a future that resonates with sustainability, resiliency, and the enduring well-being of our planet Earth, and its citizens joining the good fight as ‘Green Yodhas’ of the planet. 

(Rajat Abbi is the Vice President, Global Marketing & Chief Marketing Officer, Greater India at Schneider Electric) 


Rajat Abbi

Guest Author Rajat Abbi is the Vice President, Global Marketing & Chief Marketing Officer, Greater India of Schneider Electric

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