
Everything Must Change For Everything To Remain The Same

While the advertising and media businesses have been in constant flux, the core principles of creativity, emotional resonance and meaningful engagement remained intact at the Cannes Lions 2024, explains Joshi

A colleague at Havas reminded me yesterday of the famous quote from ‘The Leopard’ by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa - "Everything must change for everything to remain the same."

Suddenly, many clouds in my mind cleared.

For a while, I have been reflecting on the world's current state of turmoil—geopolitical, economic, psychological, cultural, climatic, and the list goes on.

I was looking forward to Cannes Lions this year, especially after enduring Delhi NCR's sweltering heat of nearly 50°C, I was surprised to find Cannes was even hotter this year compared to previous years. Climate change is a pressing concern, particularly for future generations.

Our advertising and media business has also been in constant flux, evolving and adapting. 

Events like the Cannes Lions serve as a barometer for this change year after year. The festival has embraced and celebrated this evolution for decades and is known for celebrating creativity and innovation, epitomising the industry's evolving landscape while maintaining its core values.

At its heart, impactful advertising hinges on powerful storytelling. Although delivery methods have shifted from print to digital and from TV to social media, the essence of compelling narratives remains unchanged. Creativity and emotional engagement are timeless, necessitating the adaptation of new tools and platforms to perpetuate these elements.

Modern consumers now seek more than mere product advertisements; they demand alignment with their values, prompting a shift towards ethical and sustainable branding.

The advent of AI, VR, and other technologies offers revolutionary possibilities for immersive and personalised advertising experiences. 

Despite these innovations, the fundamental objective remains enhancing consumer experience—demonstrating that tools evolve while objectives endure.

The global pandemic underscored the industry's resilience, necessitating shifts to remote work and digital-first strategies, yet affirming the enduring need for human connection and authentic storytelling.

In essence, the Cannes Lions Festival celebrates this paradox: while everything changes, the core principles of creativity, emotional resonance, and meaningful engagement endure. Technological advancements and evolving consumer expectations mandate adaptation in advertising, yet these enduring principles ensure the industry's steadfast spirit through change.


Mohit Joshi

Guest Author CEO, Havas Media Network India

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