
Cannes Lions 2023: India's Shortlist Climbs By Seven Additions on Day 3

As day 3 of Cannes Lions 2023 unfolded, the exciting revelation of another set of shortlists demonstrating great creativity and innovation in advertising and marketing began. The Sustainable Development Goals Lions shortlist had been unveiled. Here is the list.

Hunger: The Lay’s Smart Farm, Lays, Leo Burnett/Cropin; The Biochar Project By Lay’s, Lays, Leo Burnett

Quality Education: The Everything Book, Vedantu, Dentsu Creative

Clean Water and Sanitation: Suvidha Centre, Unilever, VMLY&R

Responsible Consumption & Production: The Biochar Project By Lay’s, Lays, Leo Burnett

Life on Land: The Lay’s Smart Farm, Lays, Leo Burnett/Cropin

Decent Work & Economic Growth: TR For Teacher, Navneet, FCB Interface

India now has a total tally of 77 shortlists among various categories at Cannes Lions 2023.

Cannes Lions continues a leading platform for celebrating creativity and fostering innovation, from recognising industry pioneers to discovering the future of advertising and marketing.

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