
BMC Releases Stricter Norms For Hoardings & Outdoor Ads

The policy update includes distance norms, digital hoarding curfew QR codes for regulation amid scrutiny on inspectors
BMC Releases Stricter Norms For Hoardings & Outdoor Ads

The BMC's new draft policy on hoardings includes advertisements on business premises, skywalks, balloons and stationary vehicles. Key proposals include a minimum distance of 70m between large hoardings and 30m for stationary vehicles. Skywalks and foot overbridges will have a 10ft distance limit.
The policy, an update from 2016, now specifies types of hoardings and includes guidelines for digital hoardings, addressing citizens' complaints. It mandates that digital hoardings be turned off by 11 PM, with traffic police oversight. QR codes will be added to hoardings for better regulation and information access.
Public feedback will be sought before finalising the policy. The policy also requires no-objection certificates for hoardings near high-tension wires and detailed scanning for QR codes to ensure compliance. Strict action will be enforced for violations.

On Wednesday, BMC directed licence inspectors to submit updated reports within seven days concerning the size of hoardings, adherence to the 11 PM shutdown for digital hoardings, and the presence of QR codes. The BMC circular emphasised, "Strict action will be taken against the entire team if any false information is found in the reports."

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