
Programmatic Summit Unveils Transformative Commerce Insights

With the aim to create an interactive platform for brands, advertisers and content marketers to throw light on the programmatic ecosystem, e4m and GroupM recently organised the 2nd edition of “Programmatic Summit”.

At the event, during a highly intriguing panel discussion, industry experts discussed leveraging ‘Social and Discovery Commerce’ and its transformative impact. Also, insights were shared on how brands invest in these channels and platforms in this evolving era.
Tanvi Amladi, Digital Precision Marketing Lead, Beiersdorf, Nivea, shared, “We've noticed consumers are primarily online. Their entire discovery and exploration journey occurs in the digital space. So, we're heavily amplifying our digital efforts to align with the current consumer landscape. I believe it's a significant opportunity in this regard. In India, it's still relatively early-stage.”

Sharing his views from a programmatic lens, Shaktipriyo Sikdar, Programmatic Industry Expert, highlighted, “As consumers, we're offered an abundance of choices across various products, even from cosmetics to something as basic as toothpaste. Understanding the audience's presence on the platforms we target is crucial. Utilising these platforms at scale ensures introducing my product early in the customer journey, before they enter the awareness and consideration phase. This shift in the purchase journey transcends across multiple sectors.”

Talking about employing predictive analysis, Puneeth Bekal, Director Marketing, Mastercard, said, “We employ predictive analysis to identify the next probable category a cohort is inclined to purchase in the upcoming twelve months. User behaviour data is widely accessible, aiding in understanding where engagement with this cohort occurs throughout the consumer journey. Combining these aspects underscores the direction brands take, utilizing machine learning algorithms and consumer insights to streamline consumer targeting. It's intriguing to explore the consumer journey and how data-driven cohort creation plays a role in targeting these specific groups.”

Shaurya Tyagi, Head Digital Marketing and Loyalty, Reliance, also commented on how understanding the audience's presence on the platforms is crucial.

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