
D2C Marketing Myopia: How A Narrow Focus On Discounts Can Undermine Brand Value

While such tactics can provide short-term gains, a myopic focus on discounts may unknowingly undermine a brand's long-term value proposition and erode its brand equity

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, D2C brands are continuously challenged to navigate the changing dynamics of online sales and marketplace competition. One prevalent strategy often applied to boost sales and acquire new customers is the introduction of sales and discounts. While such tactics can provide short-term gains, a myopic focus on discounts may unknowingly undermine a brand's long-term value proposition and erode its brand equity.

The Era Of Online Sales & Marketplace Competition

The rise of ecommerce platforms and online marketplaces has popularised retail, allowing brands of all sizes to reach a global audience with ease. In this hyper-competitive landscape, brands are under constant pressure to stand out, attract customers, and drive sales. As a result, many D2C brands resort to frequent sales and discounts as a means to attract consumers and stimulate purchasing behaviour.

Analysing The Impact Of Sales

While sales and discounts can generate a surge in revenue and attract new customers, their success should be evaluated beyond immediate financial metrics like CPP and RoI. Eg: In one of our partner brands in the eyewear sector, we illustrated the complexities associated with discount-focused customer acquisition strategies by conducting an in-depth RCA. Despite initial success during an End of Season Sale (EOSS), subsequent festive sales failed to deliver sustained revenue growth. In spite of recurring sales events, the brand faced diminishing returns as loyal customers anticipated sales and postponed purchases accordingly. This insight raised important questions applicable to all D2C brands:

-Frequency of sales: How frequently should brands host sales events to maximise revenue without diluting brand value?

-Key performance indicators (KPIs): Beyond revenue spikes, what KPIs should brands measure to measure the success of sales events? Should metrics such as new customer acquisitions and long-term customer retention be prioritised?

-Strategic adaptation: How can brands adapt their sales strategies to capitalise on new customer acquisitions while preserving brand equity? Can targeted promotions and personalised incentives enhance customer loyalty without resorting to deep discounts?

The Pitfalls Of Discount-centric Strategies

Discounting pricing strategies can unconsciously undermine a brand's value proposition and weaken its brand equity in several ways:

-Perceived value erosion: Offering discounts diminishes the perceived value of products or services in the eyes of consumers. When customers become accustomed to lower prices, they may question the quality and uniqueness of the brand's offerings, leading to a devaluation of the brand.

-Expectation of future discounts: Discounting sets an example and creates an expectation among consumers for future discounts. This anticipation can diminish brand loyalty and manipulate customers to delay purchases until the next sale, undermining regular revenue streams.

-Compromised business dealings: Frequent discounting complicates business negotiations and undermines trust between the brand and its customers. Discounting signals a lack of confidence in the brand's value proposition, potentially alienating customers and hampering long-term relationships.

-Profit margin compression: Continuous discounting squeezes profit margins, forcing brands to sell products at lower prices to maintain competitiveness. This downward pressure on margins can limit investment in innovation, quality control, and customer experience initiatives, ultimately compromising long-term sustainability.

Embracing Value-centric Alternatives

D2C brands should pivot from discount-heavy tactics to value-centric strategies. By highlighting unique product qualities and benefits, brands must justify premium pricing and foster loyalty. Building trust through transparent practices and offering value-added services enhances brand perception. This approach ensures long-term success, unlike short-lived gains from discounts, by cultivating strong customer relationships and brand equity.


Raghav Kansal

Guest Author CEO & Founder, ET Medialabs

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