
Goafest 2024 Day 2: Unlocking Brand Success

Exploring the intersection of tradition and innovation in marketing, experts talk about strategies for brand success at Goafest 2024's Knowledge Seminar

At Goafest 2024 Day 2, News 18 Network hosted a Knowledge Seminar on Marketing Adaptability titled "Blending Traditional And New-Age Marketing For Brand Success." 

Zairus Master, Chief Business Officer at Honasa Consumer, emphasised the evolving nature of short-term and long-term objectives in marketing. He remarked, "I believe there's no clear demarcation between short-term and long-term objectives anymore. It's all about delivering on promises and building enduring brands."

Chandan Mukherjee, Director & Executive Vice President at Nestle, highlighted the importance of understanding consumers and maintaining brand consistency across various marketing channels. He stated, "Regardless of the tools we use, understanding our consumers and staying true to our brand are paramount. Resource allocation is a challenge, but with a solid strategy and seamless integration of different tactics, we can achieve our goals."

Sandeep Karwa, Vice President of Monetisation at Flipkart, discussed the personalised nature of modern marketing. He said, "Every consumer sees a different version of our advertisements based on their preferences. This level of personalisation was previously impossible but is now achievable through advanced technologies."

Shubhranshu Singh, Chief Marketing Officer, Tata Motors Commercial Vehicles, shared his perspective on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on traditional working methods. He commented, "AI has been integrated into various aspects of our lives for years. While it may reduce reliance on manual labour in some contexts, it's unlikely to lead to widespread redundancy, especially in markets like India."

Summing up the discussion, Sukhleen Aneja,  Chief Executive Officer, The Good Glamm Group said, "I believe that for us, collectively, growth requires continuous activity, whether in business or in our approach to work. As long as we remain humble and acknowledge that the pace of change will inevitably outpace human capabilities, we are all in a perpetual state of evolution. If we maintain a commitment to learning and remain humble enough to continuously adapt and apply what we learn, none of us will become obsolete."


Rajany Pradhan

BW Reporters The author is Principal Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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